Daddy and Me – November events

The Dinosaur event is always super fun and well attended.  You and your little one will have LOTS of fun.  The gym nights have been slowly growing and are a great way to get exercise, learn to interact with others and play in a boisterous environment.  Hope to see you at one or both of the events.

To download this poster, click here Daddy and Me Nov. 2012

Here are the remaining 2012 events.  The calendar for 2013 will be out soon.

To download this poster, click here 2012 Daddy and Me calendar

Dad’s and other important male caregivers are essential in the physical, emotional and psychological health of their children.  This book by Neil Gaiman is an excellent, honest look at the irreplaceable role Dad’s play in our lives.  I highly recommend it.

The Day I Swapped My Dad For Two Goldfish

They also have this book at the FSJ Library if you want to have a look.