Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines for the Early Years

Are your little ones moving enough?  Is screen time taking the toddle out of the toddler years?  Here is some timely information about the physical health of our youngest citizens.

Preschoolers urged to reach and move for Health. CBC News

Remember ParticipACTION?  Well, it looks like funding has been re-instated and they’re back.  Not too soon, in my book.  The updated website is accessible and attractive.

Check out these guidelines for Physical Activity.

         Physical Activity Guidelines 0 – 4 years

          Physical Activity Guidelines 5 – 11 years

Want more information about Physical Activity for your little ones?

Check out the full Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines.

The Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology (CSEP) is the principal body for physical activity, health and fitness research and personal training in Canada.  They have information about physical activity for youth, adults and seniors.

Let’s all get moving!