Powerful FASD message

Ever think about how a message is shared can touch and motivate, frustrate or simply bore you to tears?  Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is a complex issue which many people dread addressing.  I have found information about FASD enlightening and encouraging, often scary and complicated, sometimes tedious and frustrating.  I am passionate about spreading a message of protection but I also fear passing judgement on mothers or people living with FASD.  How can we speak about something so important yet so delicate?  Perhaps through the arts where the empathy and caring can be conveyed alongside a powerful message.

This amazing video, created by the Bissell Centre in Edmonton, touches on many aspects of FASD with compassion, determination and hope. It makes me cry every time I watch it because it says what needs to be said without judgement.  Hip-hop does that for a lot of topics.

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Through our vision to eliminate poverty in our community, and guided by a passionate concern for the dignity and well being of each individual, Bissell Centre’s work is based on building relationships, hope and trust.