Tour of the FSJ Hospital

Over the last several weeks, the children have been engaging in hospital play as the dramatic centre of our class is set up as a hospital.  The centre includes a check-in desk, waiting area, doctor “tools”, real x-rays, bandages of all kinds, beds, and a ‘nursery’!   It has been great to see both the boys and girls taking on the various role as parents, patients, and doctor/nurses!

To help bring the children’s play to life, both preschool classes had the opportunity to go on a field trip to the FSJ Hospital., it was a blast!

One class had the opportunity to tour the imaging department; they were able to see, touch, ride, lay on, etc…all the fancy equipment used to help patients!  Our wonderful guide, Julie, let the children wear real hospital gowns and Dr/nurse shirts for the tour!

The second class had the chance to tour the birthing centre; they were able to see the rooms where babies and moms stay, the baby beds, baby warmer, nursery, the blanket warmer and the little hats they have for the babies!  This class also got to wear gowns/shirts for the tour and “be a patient, doctor or nurse!”

Even after 4 1/2 weeks of the ‘hospital’ and our tour, the interest and quality play continues!!!