Duncan Cran Preschool Goes to the Community Forest…twice!!

Our community forest trips were a huge success!   

In January, we walked through the forest and enjoyed some activities in a clearing in the forest.  The children had a blast painting the snow and really enjoyed the snow cones!  Many children had several!!  We did not see any wildlife, but we did see many colourful bird houses in the trees which they were fascinated by.

 May 30 we returned to the forest and again went on a nature walk.  This time we did see a little squirrel who quickly ran across the trail and into a tree!  Again the children were excited to point out all the colourful bird houses in the trees and this time a few “rainbow trees!” they were fascinated by!    

We enjoyed a snack in the clearing again…this time hot chocolate and s’mores in a bag!!   The grey skies were threatening rain, but fortunately it held off and couldn’t have asked for a more beautiful afternoon for our trip.

 Many thanks to those adults who joined us and helped make both trips a success!