• March WOW Bus schedule

    March is a short month for the WOW Bus but there are two great week-end events planned. We are at the North Peace Gymnastics Club on Saturday, March 12th from 11 –

  • All ages Open Mic at Patch Java

    Calling all talented families.  Here’s another great community building opportunity for you to enjoy with your kids.  Bring your little ones to perform or to enjoy this all ages event at Patch Java.  Thursday,

  • Games on the WOW Bus -Patch Java

    As part of the Literacy Day celebrations, the Literacy Society is hosting a board game marathon and dramatic readings at Patch Java, Thursday, January 27th from 2 – 8 pm.  This family event is open to everyone!  The WOW Bus will be at this event to provide game opportunities for early learners.  Please come!

  • Special Library events in January

    Lots of opportunity at the FSJ Public Library this month.  Pre-school and elementary story times continue on Wednesday and Thursday at 10:15 am and Saturdays at 2 pm.  These are an excellent way to introduce your family to the library.

  • Mother Goose has a new location/new time

    Mother Goose has outgrown it’s space at Ridgeview Lane.  The sessions will now take place at the North Peace Community Resources building across from the Post Office.  Friday mornings will now be from 10:00 – 11:00 and the evening session is now Thursday from 6 –

  • Play at the Totem Mall

    We are all hearing about how play is an essential part of life and early learning.  But sometimes life is so busy we don’t have time to stop and PLAY.  But it’s fun to remember that play can happen anywhere.

  • Healthy Meals from Words on Wheels

    Our partner bus in Dawson Creek has published a fabulous cookbook with amazing visuals for young readers.  We have 5 copies to  borrow from the Bus and some to purchase if you fall in love with the child friendly format.

  • Daddy & Me

    More and more we are learning that time spent playing with our kids is an essential part of early childhood development.  Children feel valued and gain social skills while playing with their parents.  Dad’s play an exceptional role in building confidence in their children,

  • Rotary Play Centre November schedule

    The Rotary Play Centre, located at the CDC, is up and running all through the month of November. Children aged 0 – 5 and their parents are welcome.  Check out the calendar and drop by this amazing,