• Let’s get a little messy!


    Today at the artsyfARTsy family art event, we got a little messy!  We staged an art project by asking kids at the Mall to help us splatter paint a volunteer lying on canvas.  We had hoped it was going to be FUN but weren’t sure how people would receive it.

  • Daddy and Me Community Events

    The events are up and running again after a short break for funding negotiations!  This year, we’re promoting both events on the same poster to make your life simpler.  Spread the word about the essential role male caregivers play in the lives of our children.  Although the title infers it,

  • artsyfARTsy – FREE family art activities

    The Totem Mall is being invaded on Saturday, April 28th with everything artsyfARTsy.  Our theme this month is ECO and DIGITAL art.
    FREE activities for whole family include:
    T-Shirt Painting, Jackson Pollock style painting,

  • Parent Conference

    The 5th Annual Parent Conference is next week-end.  We are very privileged to have such a high quality conference available locally.  Online registration is now open.  The link is provided. You can also register by downloading the forms below.  There are topics for parents of all ages and stages.  The entire conference,

  • Families in Motion – Friday, April 13

    The 3rd Families in Motion event is happening this Friday at Bert Ambrose.  The first 2 events in this pilot project have been very well attended and the feedback has been excellent. Come check out how we can get our entire families active and fit.

  • Daddy and Me Gym Night – Wednesday, April 11

    There are 3 more gym nights this year.  Gym Night is always the 2nd Wednesday of the month at Robert Ogilvie Elementary from 6 – 7:30.  This gym night is focused on children aged 0 –

  • artsyfARTsy April 28th – Totel Mall

    The next artsyfARTsy event in April 28th at the Totem Mall.  Our project is evolving and developing into something AMAZING.  April’s event is BIG!  Eco-art activities, wearable art fashion show and multi-media demonstrations.  It’s going to be exciting.  Download the entry form for the fashion show and start creating now!

  • April Early Learning Calendars

    Early Learning programs will close from March 23rd to April 9th for spring break. We hope everyone enjoys the holiday.  There are some exciting events starting up again in April.
    Important dates in April:
    Tuesday, April 10th             Early Learning programs re-open after Easter

  • Families in Motion – We’re gaining momentum!

    Together with the Family Friendly Initiative, Fort St. John Friendship Centre, Fort St. John Child Development Centre and North Peace Community Resources Society we, School District 60, will be offering a gross motor development pilot project from February-May on a rotating schedule.