• Parent Conference 2016 – Celebrating Families in the North!

    School District 60, Family Friendly Coalition, and Child Care Resource and Referral invite you to the 2016 Parent Conference, Celebrating Families in the North, on Saturday January 30 from 8:30am – 2:45pm at North Peace Secondary School.

  • We’re Famous!!!

    While out on our resent field trip to Save On we had our picture taken by a very nice reporter from the Alaska Highway Newspaper. Quick side note…. not only did the people at Save On donate a Gingerbread House Kit to each of my preschool classes but each child received a “goody bag”(those are the large grocery bags seen at the feet of each child) with a few healthy snacks,

  • SD60 wants you to know you are your child’s first teacher …

    Tip of the Month for December – Tummy Time.  Holding your child or giving him/her some tummy time helps build strong core muscles as well as helping with brain development. These monthly tips are aimed at helping families enrich the preschool lives of their children,

  • SD60 wants you to know you are your child’s first teacher …

    Tip of the Month for November – Words.  Recognizing words and letters are important in helping your child learn to read and write..  These monthly tips are aimed at helping families enrich the preschool lives of their children,

  • Science at StrongStart

    Duncan Cran StrongStart participated in the “Fort St John Loves Families” week today!  The room was set up with a variety of science related centres and activities to explore!
    Even the rain couldn’t stop us from taking science outdoors and make stuff “explode!”

  • StrongStart provides many opportunities for children to interact with others and engage in a wide variety of activities to contribute to development (language, physical, social and emotional).  This helps prepare young children for success in Kindergarten!