• March Early Learning calendars

    March is a short month for SD60 early learning programs.  Spring Break comes a bit earlier than usual this year.  Schools are closed from March 17 – March 28.  Programs re-open on Monday,

  • Active kids

    I see a lot of blogs on getting active with our kids but this one felt fresh.  It was a good reminder for me during this last push of winter.  I was at the doctor today and was asked how much time I spend out of doors.

  • “It’s not a box!” FSJ Library event

    This is short notice but sounds like a LOT of fun.
    This Is Not a Box!!  February 20, 2014. 5:30pm  
    “It’s just your family, your imaginations, and a box!”
    Register for this great family event sponsored jointly by the ArtSpace and FSJ Public Library.

  • Parenting Series: Seeing Children as Researchers

    Our monthly parenting series continues this month with a fresh look at early learning.
    When:  Thursday, February 27th 6:30 – 8:30 pm   $10/participant
    Where:  Whole Wheat and Honey 10003 100 St
    Pre-register at CCRR –

  • February Early Learning calendars

    All of our regular programs are running this month.  Be sure to keep active and involved this month.  February is one of the toughest months for northern families.  It’s still dark and cold and we start to tire of the long winter.

  • SuperPark Community Meeting

    Jaandi Roemer, President of the North Peace Family SuperPark Society (NPFSS), issued this open invitation to a public meeting about the current status of the SuperPark plans.  The meeting is Saturday, February 22 at North Peace Secondary School at 3:00.

  • Responsible Adult training at CCRR

    There is going to be a Responsible Adult Course offered at CCRR in February.  The course is 20 hours long and is offered between 9:00 am and 1:00 pm on the following dates.

  • French Immersion Kindergarten 2014

    It’s Kindergarten registration time again.  For those of us in the schools, each January means greeting new parents.  It’s exciting and inspiring.  As you prepare for fall, please take some time to look at the french immersion program.

  • FSJ Public Library Camp-In 2014

      To print this poster, click Camp-In 2014
    The Third Annual Family Literacy Camp-In at the Fort St John Public Library
    Saturday, February 1st– Sunday, February 2nd
    Families are invited to set up camp inside the Library and spend a night full of campfires,