• artsyfARTsy this Saturday

    Well, the artsyfARTsy crowd are back at it again this Saturday, February 18th, 1 – 4 pm at the North Peace Cultural Centre.  Our first pilot event in October was a HUGE hit and this one promises to be the same.

  • Enrollment for September 2012

    If you wondering which school to contact about enrollment, here is a letter from the school district explaining the policy.  If you are not sure what catchment you are in, please call the district for assistance or contact the school closest to your home.

  • Enriching conversations with children at play

    Check out this article on using conversations to deepen play-based learning.  I LOVE an article that gets to the point. This one is short, sweet and intriguing.  Isn’t it interesting and exciting that educators, parents included,

  • Mathematical blogging

    Carollee Norris is a local math specialist and our district’s numeracy support teacher.  She is quite famous across the province for her expert knowledge of mathematical teaching.  She is an SFU professor and presents at various conferences sharing her understanding of BIG MATH IDEAS FOR LITTLE PEOPLE.

  • WOW in Hudson’s Hope

    What a great day in Hudson’s Hope with the Words On Wheels Bus.  Our theme this month is Feelings and Families and we had varied family members on the bus today.  We had visiting grandmas and grandpas,

  • New theme for Early Learning blog

    Please don’t be alarmed. The layout has changed but it’s still the same early learning info.  Our old layout was outdated and not loading well on all hand held devices.  Hope you like it our new look.

  • Epigenetics? What is that?

    Here is some fascination information on early childhood and the relationship between nature and nurture. The old debate is revisited and repackaged. Amazing!
    Check out this blog post for more information  The Science of Hope

  • WOW Bus Schedule change

    Two small changes have happened with the WOW Bus schedule for the rest of February.
    Friday, February 17th is an Non-Instructional Day for the School District and we have training during the day. This was overlooked when the schedule was made.  My apologies.

  • Everything I ever needed to know ….

    I learned from a toddler . . . . . . .
    Check out this great blog on what Einstein has to teach us.  Many say he was the greatest scientist and most creative mind ever.  And yet his life lessons mirror those modeled by children.  This post made me think about a toddler who knows how to live in the moment or persevere despite 100 falls.  We often think we have so much to teach children.  But I am realizing that they have more to teach us.