• Daddy and Me February events

    There are 2 Daddy and Me events this week.  Wednesday at Robert Ogilvie gymnasium and Saturday at the NP Cultural Centre.  Come enjoy some active play together and/or create a valentine sensation for someone special.

    The gym is open anytime after 5:45.  We usually start clean up sometime between 7 and 7:15.    Then we eat snack and enjoy time at Strong Start.  There were some disappointed little ones last month who came after 7 when we were cleaning up.  I apologize to those families for the confusion in scheduling.

  • Golden Tickets at the FSJ Library

    In preparation for the 12th Annual Chocolate Festival, Morgan Peltier at the FSJ Library has created an awesome contest.  You must find a golden ticket hidden inside the children’s books.  50 tickets have been hidden.  As of today,

  • 5th Annual Parent Conference – April 2012

    The 5th Annual Parent Conference is coming in April.  Online registration is now open.  Check the links below. There are topics for parents of all ages and stages.  The entire conference, including snacks and lunch is FREE.

  • Library Camp-In 2012

    What an wonderful evening!  Morgan Peltier, Children’s Program Coordinator, invited families to camp out in the library in celebration of Family Literacy Day.  Stories were read; game were played.  Not much sleep was had but fun was in abundance.  Many thanks to the library for opening up their space.  Kudos for helping us see the library  in a new way.

  • Daddy and Me

    Here are some photos from the Daddy and Me Gymnastics event, last Saturday.  It was a huge success.  48 children and 38 dads participated.

    Next event:
    Valentine’s Craft and Activities at the North Peace Cultural Centre.

  • Families in Motion – Physical Activity for pre-schoolers

    Together with the Family Friendly Initiative, Fort St. John Friendship Centre, Fort St. John Child Development Centre and North Peace Community Resources Society we, School District 60, will be offering a gross motor development pilot project from February-May on a rotating schedule.

  • The Joy of Books

    In celebration of Family Literacy Week, check out this amazing clip from the FSJ Library Facebook page. One of the coolest thing we’ve seen on YouTube.
    And you’ve probably already guessed . . . . I just learned how to embed video.  Building my computer literacy!!  YAH!

  • Family Literacy Celebrations at the FSJ Public Library

    Family Literacy Week 2012 is taking over the town! For our part, the Fort St. John Public Library will be holding three events:
    Thursday, January 26th @ 10:15am: Family Story Time
    Story Time is always for families,