Early Learning programs will close from March 23rd to April 9th for spring break. We hope everyone enjoys the holiday. There are some exciting events starting up again in April.
Important dates in April:
Tuesday, April 10th            Early Learning programs re-open after Easter
Category: StrongStart Centre Robert Ogilvie
March Early Learning calendars
It is difficult to fathom that March is already here. Usually March is a shorter month for our programs, but this month we get four full weeks before the spring break. It’s a dinosaur theme for StrongStart and an Easter theme on the WOW Bus. Please come play with us.
Robert Ogilvie StrongStart – calendar mistake
In my haste to publish the February calendars, I made a mistake on the Ready, Set, Learn times for February. Please check out the newly revised copy. Sorry for the confusion!
If you would like more information about all Ready,February 2012 Early Learning Calendars
December Daddy and Me Gym Night
Our 4th Daddy and Me event this fall was a smashing success. 12 dads and 18 little ones played up a storm. We are already excited for January’s gym time. Hope we see you there! Until then,
January Early Learning Calendars
Have a wonderful holiday! We’re excited to see you in the New Year. Please e-mail Jaimelia with any ideas or concerns you have about early learning opportunities in FSJ.
250.794.7336 Call anytime.
Duncan Cran StrongStart Calendar January 2012
Robet Ogilvie StongStart Calendar January 2012
Outreach StrongStart Calendar January 2012
January2 WOW Bus Schedule 2012
Hudson’s Hope StrongStart Calendar January 2012
Virtual StrongStart Calendar January 2012December calendars
Can’t believe that December is already here! It’s both exciting and amazing! Hope the holiday rush does not hit you too quickly. We look forward to celebrating the onset of winter with you. Although it chases us indoors,
November Early Learning Calendars
Pre-school Health Round-up -Wednesday, November 2nd
North Peace Cultural Centre
Health Fair for parents and children 3 and 4 years old. Come see what services and programs are available to support your little one. There will be balloons,Daddy and Me Gym Night – Robert Ogilvie
Gym night is catching on! We had 10 dads and 15 kids come play at the Robert Ogilvie gym and StrongStart last night. Come join us. Events run every 2nd Wednesday of the month. Our next gym night is November 9th.
October StrongStart Calendars