Daddy and Me December events

Daddy and Me is an exciting series of events giving dads fun opportunities to get active with their little ones.  Hope to see you at either or both events this month.

As, always, we celebrate the importance of dads in healthy families.  Whether this program suits your family or not, we hope to increase awareness about how AWESOME dads are.  Dads matter for many reasons but here’s a moving post about Why Dads Matter – Especially for Girls


CBC parents


Dads are also more likely to play physically than moms.  This could be rough and tumble play, object play or tag.  This is a generalization but it is another facet of how dads can support kids.  This blog post from the CBC describes how a simple game of catch can layer in life skills for your kids.  Physical activity helps kids build life skills.

Daddy and Me Dec  2013


To download and print this poster, click Daddy and Me Dec 2013

The 2014 calendar of events will be out soon.