After our turkey bone experiment, we decided to try water and vinegar with eggs!

Once again each child made a guess as to what they thought would happen to the egg in water and egg in vinegar!?  Some of the guesses for water were:  crack, turn into scrambled eggs, change colour and explode!  Guesses for vinegar were: break, turn into a unicorn (child was wearing our dress-up unicorn!)! and change colour.

After 4 days we took the eggs out of the jars to see what, if anything happened?  The egg in the water stayed the same and we cracked it open to see inside

image   image (1)

Each child got a portion of the washed egg shell to feel and see the plastic like part-membrane.

image (2)  image (3)

The egg in the vinegar did change!!!  It got bigger and had no shell

!image (4) image (5)

And the egg became squishy and bouncy!!!  Each child had a chance to feel the squishy egg and when we bounced it too hard..

..image (6)

After sharing this experiment with parents, I had one parent say to me “Aha!  Now I know why he has suddenly decided he wants to break all my eggs lol!  I’ll have to do this experiment with him at home!”

It is very exciting when the children take their discoveries and knowledge and share them with others…