• Planting Today for Tomorrow!

    Today we were invited outside to help the kindergarten children plant in the garden boxes.  The following is a copy and paste of a news posting about the “NEAT food security program”:
    NEAT teams up with schools to teach students food security

  • Art-Michelangelo Style!

    What is Art????
    At what age does someone begin to appreciate fine art?
    Are children too young?
    I question who decided what is “child’s art” and “adult art”?
    When looking at art of any there is no age to begin to
    question the following:
    *What do you see?

  • Bouncing Egg!

    What will happen if you put an egg in a jar of water? And a jar of vinegar?
    “Hatch a chick, turn like a rainbow, break in to pieces, disappear, go invisible”
    All very good guesses!!!!!