• Rotary Play Centre

    Here is a special message from Pam Lillico, Rotary Play Centre Facilitator.
    The Rotary Play Centre’s last day before we break for summer is June 30.  The Rotary Play Centre will re-open Sept.12 and the operating hours will remain the same.  Here is our September Calendar.

  • Rotary Play Centre – May calendar

    More outside play time has been added to take advantage of the nice weather.  The WOW Bus has also joined forces with the Rotary Play Centre every 2nd Wednesday of the month.     Come and visit!

  • Rotary Play Centre – CDC

    The January calendars are out!  Although the general schedule will remain the same, have a peek at each month’s schedule for special events.  This month Hilary Begin, Speech Language Pathologist, will be visiting the centre to present information and answer parent’s questions.

  • Rotary Play Centre November schedule

    The Rotary Play Centre, located at the CDC, is up and running all through the month of November. Children aged 0 – 5 and their parents are welcome.  Check out the calendar and drop by this amazing,

  • Free CDC Interactive Play Centre

    The CDC has a new interactive play centre open.  The play space is free for parents and pre-school children.  The room has been designed with a specific focus on toddlers (18-36 months) and has an infant area where they too can safely explore.  Please stop by and explore!