• SD60 wants you to know, you are your child’s first teacher…

    Tip of the month for October – Singing.  It’s as easy as singing nursery rhymes and songs with your child.  Try singing while driving in the car, making supper, or when cuddling.  Singing nursery rhymes helps your child learn patterns in language and builds vocabulary.

  • SD60 wants you to know, you are your child’s first teacher …

    Tip of the month for September – Talking & Listening.  It’s as easy as talking about everything you see while you drive, walk, play or even cook supper. Children who are exposed to a lot of language early on are more successful with language and reading later on.

  • StrongStart Year End Celebration!

    Thank you to everyone who came to celebrate yet another successful year of StrongStart!  Despite the cloudy weather, it was well attended with both in town StrongStart families as well as many Outreach StrongStart families!

  • Childbirth Focus Group

    The Northern Health Authority and UNC are hosting two focus groups in Fort St John later this week -  Thursday at Community Bridge and Friday at the FSJ Health Unit.  For more information, contact Amber Hui,

  • We grew French Fries!!!

    We grew FRENCH FRIES…potatoes!!!
    (Well the start and a little help)!
    I struggled with the decision to let them find what was grown naturally or stick a few potatoes in the soil for them to find!

  • SD60 wants you to know, you are your child’s first teacher

    Tip of the Month for June – feelings & emotions.  Children who can identify and name their own feelings and recognize feelings in others have an easier time both learning and building relationships.  These monthly tips are aimed at helping families enrich the preschool lives of their children,

  • Discovery, wonders and excitement of nature!

    “Contact with nature may be as important to children as good nutrition and adequate sleep” (Gill 2005)
    I have had the opportunity the last several weeks to experience some of nature’s most wondrous transformations with the children!

  • Welcome to Kindergarten Events in SD60 May/June 2015

    Parents/caregivers and their children ready to enter kindergarten, September 2015, are invited to attend a 1 – 2 hour event at their neighborhood school.  At the event, families have an opportunity to tour the school and meet school staff,