• June Early Learning Calendars

    Where did the winter go?  It’s ironic how long the school year lasts and then, in retrospect, how quickly it seems to have passed.  My parents tell me it’s like that with parenting.  Like many of you,

  • Strong Fathers Strong Families

    This site is based in Texas and is created by fathers for fathers.  It has a spiritual theme and a few glitches but is worth checking out.  Sites like this intrigue me.  I found this great monthly calendar on it.

  • Daddy and Me Swim

    This month the North Peace Leisure Pool is hosting the Daddy and Me community event.

    Daddy & Me May 2012  Our next Gym Night is June 13th.
    Click here for NPLP information.

  • Poison Prevention

    It’s that time of year again, Safe Kids Week May 28th – June 3rd. The theme of this year’s Safe Kids Week is Poison Prevention focusing on the message Out of Sight and Locked Up Tight.

  • Full of beans and veggies

    This clip will impress your little ones and get you talking about veggies.  It’s catchy and funny!

  • CCRR May-June newsletter

    The Child Care Resource and Referral newsletter is always full of ideas for parents and caregivers as well as learning and networking opportunities.  If you would like more information about registered childcare in FSJ, click here.  CCRR


  • Top 5 toys for pre-schoolers

    What would you rate as your Top 5 toys?
    We live in an ultra modern world with gadgets galore. Our kids have access to more entertainment and interesting toys than any generation before us.  But is more better?  Check out this article on what kids really want and need to develop 21 century skills.  It might not be what you expect but it makes sense.  Plus it’s cheeky and I love irreverent views on what we’re “supposed”