Tip of the month for June – feelings.  Tips can be heard on both SunFM – 98.5 and MooseFM -100.1 daily.  To download and print, click 10 Early Learning Tip June Feelings or click on the image below to enlarge:
Category: Preschool
Puffy Paint
A couple weeks ago when it snowed again…I put out puffy paint and various items to stick on the picture. Â A few days later a few adults and children were asking what it was and if they could try.
I read the book “Click Clack Moo, Cows That Type”,  by Doreen Cronin. Illustrated by Betsy Lewin .  The book tells the story of Farmer Brown’s cows, who find an old typewriter in the barn and proceed to write letters to Farmer Brown,SD60 wants you to know … you are your child’s first and best teacher
Tip of the month for May – unstructured play.  Tips can be heard on both SunFM – 98.5 and MooseFM -100.1 daily.  To download and print, click 9 Early Learning Tip May Unstructured Play or click on the image below to enlarge:
SD60 wants you to know … you are your child’s first and best teacher
Tip of the month for April – Independence means:
having a voice and making choices
providing opportunities for eating or dressing without help
encouraging putting away toys or clothes, helping set or clear the tableTips can be heard on both SunFM –
Rainbow Blizzard!
We had great fun making these “Rainbow” snowflakes! Â We dropped paint on to the paper in a salad spinner, put the lid on and spun it (as fast as we could) and opened! Â That was the best part-seeing what kind of painting the salad spinner did!
FSJ Early Years Roundup!
SD60 wants you to know … you are your child’s first and best teacher
Tip of the month for March – Go outside and play!  Outdoor time is good for children.  They engage more in active play when they are outside.  Outdoor time provides:
enhances imaginative &SD60 wants you to know … you are your child’s first and best teacher
Tip of the month for February – Playing Games!  When playing games children learn to concentrate, reason, negotiate, problem-solve, get along with others, develop small and large motor skills, take turns, follow rules, and take risks.
SD60 wants you to know … you are your child’s first and best teacher
Tip of the month for January – Reading!  Children who sit with their parents and handle both paper and digital books have an easier time learning to read.  By taking time to talk about the story,