Tip of the month for December – Tummy Time! Holding your child and giving tummy time will help build strong core muscles and develop your child’s brain. Holding their head up and moving their bodies are essential activities for development.
Category: Preschool
SD60 wants you to know … you are your child’s first and best teacher
Tip of the month for November – Words Around Us!  Recognizing words and letters will help your child learn to read and write.  These monthly tips are aimed at helping families enrich the preschool lives of their children.
SD60 Wants you to know, you are your child’s first and best teacher …
Tip of the month for October – Singing! Singing rhymes helps your child learn patterns in language and builds vocabulary.  It also helps with predicting, an important skill when reading.  These monthly tips are aimed at helping families enrich the preschool lives of their children.
SD60 Wants you to know, you are your child’s first and best teacher …
Tip of the month for September – Talking & Listening.  It’s as easy as talking about everything you see while you drive, walk, play or even cook supper. Children who are exposed to a lot of language early on are more successful with language and reading later on.
Planting Today for Tomorrow!
Today we were invited outside to help the kindergarten children plant in the garden boxes. The following is a copy and paste of a news posting about the “NEAT food security program”:
NEAT teams up with schools to teach students food security
What is Art????
At what age does someone begin to appreciate fine art?
Are children too young?
I question who decided what is “child’s art” and “adult art”?
When looking at art of any there is no age to begin to
question the following:
*What do you see?Bouncing Egg!
What will happen if you put an egg in a jar of water? And a jar of vinegar?
“Hatch a chick, turn like a rainbow, break in to pieces, disappear, go invisible”
All very good guesses!!!!!SD60 wants you to know, you are your child’s first and best teacher …
Tip of the Month for June – Feelings..  These monthly tips are aimed at helping families enrich the preschool lives of their children, and they can be heard on both SunFM, 98.5, and MooseFM, 100.1 daily.
SD60 wants you to know, you are your child’s first and best teacher …
Tip of the Month for May –..  These monthly tips are aimed at helping families enrich the preschool lives of their children, and they can be heard on both SunFM, 98.5, and MooseFM, 100.1 daily.
Tour of the FSJ Hospital
Over the last several weeks, the children have been engaging in hospital play as the dramatic centre of our class is set up as a hospital. Â The centre includes a check-in desk, waiting area, doctor “tools”,