As the temperature plummets, it gets more and more difficult to get little ones out of the house. But if we’re stuck in the house, we can all go a little crazy. We hope that Strong Start offers your family an option for play and recreation during the colder months. Please come see us!
Category: StrongStart Centre Robert Ogilvie
November Strong Start Schedules
Well, the snow is probably here to stay! When the weather is nasty, Lana, Pam and Toby are excited to see you. Lots of winter fun can be found at Strong Start!
Duncan Cran November Calendar 2010
Robert Ogilvie November 2010
Outreach November 2010
Hudson’s Hope Novmeber 2010
Or for distance learners,June StrongStart Schedules
Click on the links below for our June StrongStart Program schedules.
Hudson’s Hope Strongstart Calendar June 2010
Outreach Strongstart Calendar June
Robert Ogilvie Strongstart Calendar June 2010
Duncan Cran Strongstart Calendar June 2010January StrongStart Calendars
Happy New Year!
Please click on the links below for the StrongStart Calendars
Hudson’s Hope StrongStart January Calendar
Duncan Cran StrongStart January Calendar
Outreach StrongStart January Calendar
Robert Ogilvie StrongStart January CalendarRobert Ogilvie Strong Start May Calendar and Newsletter
Please click belown to view the May calendar and Newsletter
Robert Ogilvie StrongStart May Calendar
Robert Ogilvie StrongStart May NewsletterRobert Ogilvie Strong Start Calendars for March and April
Hi everyone! Here are the Calendars for March and April. Remember that Spring Break start on March 28 and runs until April 13. Centres will be closed during this time and re-open on April 14.
Robert Ogilvie March Calendar
Robert Ogilvie April CalendarRobert Ogilvie Strong Start Calendar for February 2009
Please open the following link to find the Robert Ogilvie Strong Start Calendar and Newsletter. There is a field trip planned for February. Check it out. Robert Ogilvie will be open on Saturday February 14 and not Saturday February 7 as originally posted.Â
New Robert Ogilvie Strong Start February Calendar
February NewsletterJanuary Calendar for Robert Ogilvie Strong Start
Please click on the links below to read the January newsletter and the January calendar.
January Calendar
January NewsletterStrongStart Centre Robert Ogilvie December Schedule
Please click on the following link to see the December schedule.
StrongStart Centre December Calender Robert Ogilvie
Robert Ogilvie December Newsletter