Planting at StrongStart

Today at StrongStart we read the story, “The Tiny Seed” by Eric Carle.  The children had an opportunity to follow the directions and plant either sunflower seeds or bean seeds!

Fun with Food at StrongStart

We had a variety of food related activities related with apples!  The children had fun “making apple pie” with the wooden apple pie set.  We also painted with cut up apples and read a story called “The Apple Pie Tree.”  The favourite part was making our own “Apple Pies in a Bowl!!!”  The children followed the directions on the cards and then enjoy the snack they made themselves!  Many children liked their snack so much they made two…all the adults enjoyed one as well!

Jersey Day!!!

The littlest humans have the biggest hearts!!  Wearing Jerseys at StrongStart to show love and support for Humboldt!!