Field Trip To Save On Grocery Store

Our first field trip to Save On Grocery Store!!! We had a blast. Once everyone arrived at school we walked down the block to catch the city bus. I think riding the bus is almost as exciting as going through Save A very nice man,

SD60 wants you to know you are your child’s first teacher …

Tip of the Month for November – Words.  Recognizing words and letters are important in helping your child learn to read and write..  These monthly tips are aimed at helping families enrich the preschool lives of their children,

Risky Business

Emma and her friend Nixon using there great climbing skills. I have a
belief that child should be allowed to do what we as adults would be called “risky” behavior. I really feel that if we allow them to take risks and
know their limits that they will be better at making some of those tough decisions later on in life.

Emma and Liam were trying to do some stacking.. the problem became though
that the tower was taller then they could reach. They asked me how were
they going to get up there?