Happy Halloween at Preschool!

We had a great Halloween party at Duncan Cran Preschool…played many games, danced with scarves, Halloween parade through the school and lots of great snacks!  Thank you to all the families who came to celebrate with us and for sharing all the treats!!!

Happy Halloween!

Halloween Fun at Duncan Cran StrongStart!!  Thank you to everyone who came to celebrate Halloween and contribute snacks!  And it was great to see all the fantastic costumes…24 wee characters and many parents too!!!


Windmills and Filters

CB was playing at the sensory table with the “Tinker Toys”, He showed me proudly that he had built a “windmill”. I asked him “how does it work.
He told me clearly that the wind goes in the ends of the green sticks,

2017 Early Years Community Survey

The Fort St. John Early years Centre, in partnership with the Family Friendly Coalition, wants to learn about the experiences of families raising children in our community. The information collected will be used to improve access and information to services,

Robert Ogilvie StrongStart – November 2017 Calendar

Robert Ogilvie – November 2017 Calendar.  Just a reminder, Pam has changed her schedule this year and is offering StrongStart to families on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 13:30 – 3:30.  Monday, Wednesday and Friday will continue to be open from 8:30 – 11:30.