Field Trip to the Fort St John Fire Hall

We successfully had our first field trip of the preschool school year. Robert Ogilvie preschool walked down from the school to the bus stop and caught the city bus all the way down to the Fort St John Fire Hall.( While waiting for the bus we were able to see a city snow plow truck close up plowing the street we were waiting on…

Pumpkin Painting at the Clearview StrongStart

Clearview StrongStart children had the wonderful opportunity to paint some individual pumpkins and take them home.  Clearview StrongStart times are every Thursday 9:00am – 11:30am, at the Clearview School.

You are your child’s first teacher.

Listen to SunFM 98.5 Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings between 7:45am & 8:15am, or afternoons between 2:30pm & 3:00pm for interesting tips aimed at helping families enrich preschool lives of their children.
October’s Tip – Singing


Parenting Series – Empowering Your Children

Sabrina Trobak will be presenting this workshop where focus will be geared towards parents with children 3-16 year olds, she will show the relationship between the adult behaviour and the child reaction and help parents teach their children to become problem solvers,

What’s your enviroment saying?

“Recently the early learning team and myself, had the opportunity to do some research into how we could make our environments (aka: classrooms) reflect more of our personal message and feelings.  We went to several different early learning sites around the province and had the opportunity to see some great and inspiring spaces.