To Cookie Cutter or Not to Cookie Cutter….

As an early childhood educator it’s my job to give children experiences that challenge their concepts and ideas. This is why if you come into my early learning environment, whether for StrongStart of Preschool you will not see any generic cookie cutters at my preschool table.

StrongStart closure Friday, June 13

Our next closure for the rotating BCTF strike is Friday, June 13th.  We are uncertain about the following week.  StrongStart programs are scheduled to be open until June 20th.  The  year end picnic at Matthew’s Park is schedule for that Friday between 11 am –

June StrongStart calendars

June is a bitter sweet month for us, as educators.  We are looking forward to the quiet days of summer but lamenting the end of a wonderful year with families at StrongStart and preschool.

You are your child’s first teacher!

I hope you have heard the early years tips on Sun FM each weekday morning and afternoon.  We are quite proud of this project for a few reasons and we hope to continue through the fall and winter.

I made a picture for you

“I made a picture for you,”  We hear that a lot from the children in our lives.  I’m not always as grateful as I should be for the gift.
On the 2nd Wednesday of each month,

No StrongStart Wed, May 28

As you may have already heard, the BCTF will be enforcing a rotating strike around the province one day each week.  Our StrongStart educators are union members of CUPE and can’t work on days when teachers are striking.

May SD60 Early Learning calendars

Our StrongStart programs offer many opportunities for play and adventure all through May and June.  Drop in any time.  For more information, check out the StrongStart page above.

To print this schedule,

Daddy and Me May events

There are four spring events remaining before the summer break.  In May, Child Care Resource and Referral is hosting a creepy crawly, bug extravaganza.  We hope to see you at the gym or with the insects.

CJDC promotes StrongStart

We were very pleased to have Derrick Lightfoot at CJDC come visit Duncan Cran StrongStart on Wednesday, April 23rd.  The support CJDC offers the community is much appreciated.  Click on the photo link to take a look!