Daddy and Me Gym Night

We had 13 dads and 15 kids come play tonight at Robert Ogilvie.  It was a great evening with tons of fun, giggles and Dad time.  See you again, April 14th 6 pm – 7:30 pm.

FSJ Library

Here’s a new book featured at the FSJ Public Library this week.  Click to visit their updated website.
The library celebrated its 62nd birthday on Thursday, March 1st.  That is something to be very proud of!!

ADHD may be overdiagnosed in youngest classmates

This CBC article opens the door for more discussion about what ADHD really is and what it means for younger aged students and boys.  I don’t have all the answers but if a certain group is more highly represented by this “developmental disorder”,

Early Learning during BCTF Strike Action

Hi everyone,
StrongStart and the WOW Bus will not be interrupted during job action.  Monday, March 5th, the schools are closed for the Non Instructional Day.  Tuesday, March 6th and Wednesday, March 7th, all programs are running as usual.  Unless something changes,