October Daddy and Me events

I hope the weather doesn’t keep everyone in the house.  We hope to see you at the gym and at the Library.

To download and print this poster, click here Daddy & Me OCT 2012

The month the Library is hosting Daddy and Me: Rock Start Edition!  It’s not to be missed!

Fort St. John loves Families Week – Oct. 13th – 20th

Only 7 sleeps until Family Week starts!  If you don’t measure time between exciting events in sleeps you might be on the wrong website. But Fort St. John loves Families Week has something for all ages from infants to seniors.  Check out the special events all around town,

Families In Motion

I’ve had many families calling about the Families in Motion start-up.  Well, here is the information for all five events this winter.
If you missed the Families in Motion events last winter, they are a series of physical fitness events aimed at families of pre-school children.  These events happen on Friday evenings once a month around the city.  No registration is required.  They’re free and very FUN!

Let’s celebrate Paralympic Gold Medalist Bo Hedges

Want to motivate your kids to be active and healthy?  One proven way to inspire kids is to help them find healthy heros.  Bo Hedges is a local athlete who has dedicated his life to sport.  He is a local role model we can all follow.

FSJ Library Pre-school Story Time

This is just a reminder that regular week-day Story Time resumes in October. Kids can join us next week for an autumn-themed program! Apples and leaves and squirrels, oh my!
Toddlers: Wednesdays @ 10:15-10:30
Pre-school: Thursdays @ 10:15-11:00
Morgan Peltier –

October Early Learning/Family Events

I’m not sure how to organize all the info this month.  It’s phenomenal! There are events at the Family Place, the Rotary Play Centre and at the Library.  There will also be more information coming soon about Family Week,

October SD60 Early Learning opportunities

October is going to be SUPER busy for anyone looking for family activities!!!  Information about Family Week, October 13 – 20th, will be out shortly.  For now, though, here is what is coming up with the School District.

What is self-regulation and why should I care?

Self-regulation is the current “buzzword” for parents and educators.  Teaching jargon can be annoying when it doesn’t have a context or seems trendy.  In my opinion, though, self-regulation is the most important concept I have learned in 15 years as a teacher.  It has helped me on a daily basis as a parent and in group teaching situations.

Walking Bingo

I LOVE walking in the fall with my kids.  But often, it gets pushed aside for more “urgent” issues.  We tried this activity on Sunday and loved it.  We had to change gopher to cat, though.  This re-activity initiative is from Saskatchewan where gophers are plenitifull!  Now my youngest wants to write our own BINGO sheet and walk again this week.  With this element of FUN,