Daddy & Me – September Bowling event

The first fall Daddy & Me event is right after the long week-end. Wednesday, September 7th, 6 pm.
This is always a great event so please mark it on the calendar now!  Hope to see you there!

Daddy & Me

Pam Lillico sent us these celebratory photos of the Heartbreak Acres Daddy & Me event earlier this month.  72 people came out to interact with the farm animals.  That is amazing!

Thanks Pam for all you do!!!

WOW Bus engagements!

We had lots of visitors on the Bus at the Matthew’s Park StrongStart party.  We will be back at Matthew’s Park for lunch on Friday,

StrongStart PARTY in the Park

Great party!  We had lots of fun with all our StrongStart friends at Matthew’s Park today.  We had such a crowd we drew the radio station and many families who aren’t yet part of our SS family.  Very cool!  We took a ton of photos,

Year End StrongStart Party

The forecast looks good for Wednesday; only partly cloudy!  But if it does rain during the StrongStart wind-up, we want to move it to Friday.  Same time and place.  So if it’s raining on Wednesday, we’ll be open at the school.  We hope to see you,

Daddy & Me Gym Night/Stanley Cup Final

The June Daddy & Me Gym Night is Wednesday, June 15th at Duncan Cran Elementary 6:00 -  7:30 pm.  This might also be Game 7 of the Stanley Cup Final. (Just in case you hadn’t heard!!)  Last month fell on a playoff game night,

Daddy & Me Gym Night

Despite competing with a Canucks’ playoff game, Gym Night drew in 16 kids and 9 dads.  It was a blast!

Many thanks to our sponsors for making these events possible.  See you again on Wednesday,