• ADHD may be overdiagnosed in youngest classmates

    This CBC article opens the door for more discussion about what ADHD really is and what it means for younger aged students and boys.  I don’t have all the answers but if a certain group is more highly represented by this “developmental disorder”,

  • March Daddy and Me events

    This month, the community Daddy and Me event is early, Saturday, March 3rd.  It’s the very popular Come and Build event at the Family Place.  Daddy and Me Gym Night is later, Wednesday, March 14th.  Please come join us!!

  • Fitness as medicine?

    As parents, we do everything we can to help our children grow up healthy, happy and successful.  With the increasing pace of life, how do we fit it all in?  If 30 minutes a day would greatly decrease their risks of obesity,


    WOW! Devon  is sponsoring a free family skate time from 12 – 5 pm every Sunday at the Pomeroy Sports Centre for the next month.  What a great gift to our community.
    Free Skate info


  • Daddy and Me February events

    There are 2 Daddy and Me events this week.  Wednesday at Robert Ogilvie gymnasium and Saturday at the NP Cultural Centre.  Come enjoy some active play together and/or create a valentine sensation for someone special.

    The gym is open anytime after 5:45.  We usually start clean up sometime between 7 and 7:15.    Then we eat snack and enjoy time at Strong Start.  There were some disappointed little ones last month who came after 7 when we were cleaning up.  I apologize to those families for the confusion in scheduling.

  • Families in Motion – Physical Activity for pre-schoolers

    Together with the Family Friendly Initiative, Fort St. John Friendship Centre, Fort St. John Child Development Centre and North Peace Community Resources Society we, School District 60, will be offering a gross motor development pilot project from February-May on a rotating schedule.

  • December Daddy and Me Gym Night

    Our 4th Daddy and Me event this fall was a smashing success.  12 dads and 18 little ones played up a storm.  We are already excited for January’s gym time.  Hope we see you there!  Until then,

  • Indoor Play Space – support needed

    It’s time to get involved!  The indoor play space action committee is presenting to City Council on Monday, October 24th at 3:15.   If you have ever wished we had somewhere for our kids to play in the winter,